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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My American Life
My American Life
By Deborah Quintana
If it wasn’t for God and her parents, Alfredo Quintana and Susana Gutierrez, Deborah would not have been born in San Diego, California. Deborah’s parents are both from Mexico, and being illegal-immigrants in America can be very excruciating. But thanks to God, Deborah’s family has been able to survive in this country. Deborah’s parents came to the United States because of the lack of work, and the better life people had when coming to America. They both meet each other here in the US and got married. They had four children; Alfredo the oldest, Deborah, Priscilla, and Keren the youngest. Deborah’s parents were able to become Permanent Residents. Permanent residents are people given a visa which permits them to live in America, even though they are from Mexico. If it wasn’t for that visa her parents would’ve not been able to get a job or be around in the streets. If they were caught without a visa, they would have been deported to Mexico; and trying to cross the border back to America is illegal and very costly. Why do people prefer to live in America than in Mexico? First, if you want your children to have a better future: then you will do anything to make that happen. Second, if you want your children to have a better education than try looking for it. Third, if you want your life and your kid’s life to be successful you will fight to get that. But without the help of God it’s hard to have faith that you can make it. Deborah doesn’t know how it’s like to live in Mexico, but she has been there and it’s a hard country to live in. What matters in this world is money; without it there’s no food. In order to get it, you have to work hard for it. In Mexico people get paid a small amount of money but in America even though working is hard, you get paid triple the amount.
As Deborah looks back in life she can see how her family has been improving. But it hasn’t been easy for Deborah and her family. There have been times that money worked for is barely enough to pay for the bills. Her family that lives in Mexico thinks that Deborah’s family is rich just because they live in the US. That’s because the money that her parents make here its worth more in Mexico, but they don’t know how much money her family spends for bills, rent, clothes, food, etc. Deborah’s dad side of the family lives in Mazatlan, Sinaloa Mexico. Alfredo was the only one from his family to come to America. Deborah has been to Mazatlan before and she loves it there. She says that it’s a whole different world. Her family in Mazatlan struggles a lot more with economic issues. When her parents have extra money they send it to them, to try to help. Last year’s spring break Deborah went there for vacations and had a lot of fun. But something upset her; one of her aunts was struggling with money issues and had many bills to pay. Deborah was really sad and she wanted to do something to help. She had money with her and wanted to give it to her. Even though it was just $20 it’s plenty of help to buy food to eat for at lease three days. She didn’t want to just give it to her like that, because she knew that her auntt wasn’t going to accept them. So when Deborah was about to leave she gave them to her aunt’s daughter. Her daughter didn’t understand why Deborah was giving the money to her mom, but Deborah didn’t explain and just walked away. When Deborah got home she got a message from her aunt. She was mad that Deborah did that but at the same time she was thankful. But her aunt made her promise to never do that again.
School in America can be stressful in order to keep straight A’s. Especially if Deborah has to take the bus and trolley for two hours in order to get home. Maybe people walk for hours to get to their school, but Deborah has to be on the bus and trolley for two hours. Then get home to take care of her sisters and clean the house, while doing homework. Homework and studying for test, takes a couple of hours if Deborah wants to have straight A’s. Sometimes homework is not as heavy, but when it is, it’s very stressful. Deborah wants to become an international nurse. In order for her to get into a good university to accomplish her dream, she needs to keep straight A’s. When Deborah has problems at home or with somebody, she tries not to let that mess up her grades. If she did let her problems damage her grades she wouldn’t be able to keep her straight A’s and get into a good university. Deborah says, “If I have the opportunity to become someone I want to be than I should take the opportunity my country gives me in getting educated and try my best.” And she says this because many cousins from her family are not given a good education. However, she should take advantage of it and not mess up, because high school happens only once in life. Deborah’s parents were only able to go to elementary school, because they were forced to start work by their parents. Her parents acknowledge how important school is, yet sometimes they don’t. When they don’t, they prefer for her to work than to be in school, because there’s not enough money. But she has to talk to her parents and try to make them understand how much high school is important for her future. Why? Because they don’t know how education works in America. Of course her parents weren’t born in the United States and don’t know much about education because they never experience it.
Deborah wants to be a nurse to help others. She would like to go to places where nurses are most needed. But before she wanted to be an international nurse, she just wanted to be a baby’s nurse at a hospital. Deborah was encouraged to become a nurse when she saw her second cousin sick in the hospital. She entered a big white room surrounded by many huge electronic tools that were helping newborn babies fight to keep themselves alive. There was tiny babies inside incubators and had all kinds of wires around their little body. Deborah saw how the nurses took care of the babies like if they were the baby’s mother. Deborah would like to become that kind of nurse, but later on she is aware of how much people around the world are in need of a nurse. Deborah would like to just start being a nurse right now, but there’s a lot to learn. She hopes that the years in college pass by fast.
Deborah attends High Tech High International, which is a charter school. And according to Deborah it’s the best school ever. But there are many public schools in San Diego. The difference between a charter and a public school is dramatically different. A charter school has their own method of teaching and a public school has to teach according to the district’s standards. In a charter school teachers can come up with there own ideas to teach a lesson. Which is better than how public schools teach; having the students read off of textbooks. Another difference is charter schools’ classroom size is smaller than in public’s. That’s the most important part, because teachers get to focus on their students’ weaknesses and help them succeed. Deborah used to attend a public school and didn’t know how bad the education was into she started going to HTHI. Public school teachers give a lecture and it’s hard to get individual help from them.
Deborah thinks that her school is unique. She thinks it’s very important the relationship teachers have with students. At High Tech High International the teachers are like friends who help their students learn and help them in personal problems. Many young people go through hard times at home, with friends, with boyfriend/girlfriend; therefore the teachers have the opportunity to help the young people, and be there for them. That’s why many young guys and girls kill themselves because they don’t have nobody to talk about their problems. Deborah recognizes that the teachers in HTHI have stopped further depression in many students just by letting the students know that they are there for them. Deborah is astonished when she hears from students from public schools that they don’t really know their teachers. And that’s not good because basically someone that is educating them, which is important in life, is a stranger to their students.
Deborah’s religion is Christianity. She was raised as a Christian. Most of her family are Christian. Deborah’s grandma, Antonia, from Susana’s side, became Christian when she was going through hard times. A long time ago Antonia’s son, Gerardo, disappeared after he came out of work when he was 14-years-old. During this time Susana and her family still lived in Mexico. After not hearing from him for three days Antonia was going crazy. Antonia’s neighbor who was Christian talked to Antonia about God. Antonia started believing in God and trusted in him. Then one night Antonia had a dream and in that dream she saw where her son was at. In the next morning Antonia went to that place which was at Gerardo’s work. When she went to the place where she had dreamed, her son was there dead. When Deborah was old enough to hear this story told by her grandma, she understood that if her grandma didn’t know that God existed she would’ve killed herself. But her grandma understood that sometimes things happen, so we can open our eyes to things that we need to see. Susana was little when her mother became Christian, so Susana was Christian after her mom converted. Deborah’s dad, Alfredo became Christian when he came to America. Deborah’s parents both met at a church when they were young. Deborah was born in a Christian home. She loves being Christian because she has many reasons. Christianity might have a lot of restrictions in doing many things like drinking and smoking. But why do something that can bring problems. Want to have fun? There are hundreds things to do that can be fun. America has a diversity of religion, because of the various kinds of immigrants. The majority of the people living in America have a religion, but most of them are not committed to their religion. Deborah knows this because many of her family only consider themselves Christian when they are going through a problem and it shouldn’t be like that.
Deborah’s has been through hard times, sad moments, and happy days. When she was younger she would always laugh at anything, well still does sometimes, and just like any person likes to be happy. People try to solve problems they face in life, but when they do that they get tired of life easily. Even though Deborah has advice people to leave problems behind sometimes she forgets to remember herself. She gets in her problems and ends up angry or sad. In life we decide if we want to be happy, sad, or mad, we shouldn’t blame people. Being positive in every circumstances makes our life easy.
Deborah loves America with all her heart, but not the decision America makes. For example, Deborah hates how Arizona, a state in the United States, has recently sign a law that says that now people walking around the streets are going to be asked for their papers. There are many illegal-immigrants in Arizona, if they are asked for their papers and they don’t have them, they are going to be deported back to their country. What’s so bad about letting Mexican people live in America? Maybe Mexican people commit a lot of crimes, but they should find out why they do that. According to Deborah, many young teenagers cross the border and leave their parents behind in Mexico. It’s hard to live life without parents, and those teenagers get involve in gangs; which leads them into committing crimes. Now Deborah doesn’t want to find a excuse to defend these bad people, but she believes that anybody who is involve in a crime has an answer to why they have done such thing. Also, many people are still racists and she doesn’t understand what those people benefit from being racist. Does it benefit them? The answer is no, so then why be racists? She doesn’t understand many things about why people behave in a certain way, and she prefers not to know the answer because she knows it won’t please her. About one hundred years ago the government moved the Native Americans from their native lands, and the government accomplished moving them by promising them goods. When the time of giving the Native Americans what they promised, whatever it was, it never arrived to them. Deborah doesn’t understand why there is a government, if he is not going to be fair with everyone. Immigrants come to America because they want a better life, and that’s good for America because people are being seen as a good country. However, the government rejects immigrants from coming in the country. But if people want a good future for their children, like Deborah’s parents, then they will come to America even though they might not be able to get their papers.
Deborah recognizes that immigrants suffer in order to come to America to make money for their family, and have a better life. She has heard many stories of Mexican people crossing the border. Her dad had to try three times until he made it without getting caught. When he finally made it to America he started to apply for his Permanent Resident. He has explained to Deborah how he once tried passing the border through the water, and when he came out here in the US, the Border Patrol already was waiting for him. He might not tell Deborah how the experience he went through was was like, but she can picture how it was like.
When Deborah was little she used to go to Mexico a lot. In order for her and her brother to cross (Priscilla and Karen weren’t born yet) all they had to say was ‘American Citizens,’ and they would cross without showing any papers. Their English will prove that they were American Citizens. When the border patrol officers noticed that kids that were not American citizens could be taught to say ‘American Citizens’ with a good accent, they made the border requirements stricter. Than later Deborah and Alfredo had to say ‘American Citizens,’ show an ID (which was always the school ID), and if the officer asked them any questions they had to answer. Which was usually what’s your name, what school do you go to, etc. Then the border officers became even stricter, and ‘American Citizen’ wouldn’t work anymore or an ID; because any Mexican kid could go to school and easily obtain an ID. Deborah and Alfredo could see the big change that was happening while passing the border. Later when Keren and Priscilla were born Susana had to carry all of her children birth certificates, and they had to answer questions asked by the officer if they were called upon. Now it’s different according to all the illegal immigrants from Mexico coming to America, the border is stricter. Every single kid younger than eighteen has to have their birth certificate and ID in order to cross back into the US. Eighteen and older have to have their visa or passport. Even though Deborah has crossed the border a million times, when she’s in front of the officer she gets nervous. And that’s because if someone answers a wrong question or mumbles, they automatically suspect something and send them to first revision.
A long time ago Deborah, her sisters, and her mom went to Tijuana, Mexico. When they were getting close to the officer window Susana told Deborah to take out the birth certificates, so she did. When she pulled out Priscilla’s birth certificate it flew out the window. Deborah got off the car and started looking for it, and they were next to go to the officer. Deborah desperately kept looking for the paper and it was too late the air had blown the paper away. If she didn’t find it the officer wasn’t going to believe that the birth certificate magically flew out of her hand. So she started praying and leave it all to God. Thanks to God the officer didn’t even notice Priscilla’s birth certificate was missing, or probably didn’t really count the amount of people that were on the car. When they passed without any problem Susana told Deborah if somebody finds the birth certificate and use it to cross someone her mom was going to get in trouble; Susana never got in trouble. Luckily, Susana had an extra birth certificate that belonged to Priscilla.
Deborah doesn’t understand why there a lot of poor people everywhere. She wonders if they have a family. If they do, are they aware about the situation one of their family member is in? Or what made them get to that stage of not having a home to live in. The streets in Downtown, San Diego are pack of homeless people. Is the government doing something about it? Yes, there are homeless shelters in many places. Deborah would like to interview a homeless to try and figure out how they got into poverty. Homeless people are all around the world. But when Deborah looks at a picture of London or Spain, she would never think that there are homeless people around the streets. When Deborah was in ninth grade she worked in a project called ‘World Hunger and Poverty.’ The project’s purpose was to inform people about twelve countries suffering in hunger and poverty. In a group of four they made two big posters about Causes, Effects, and Solutions of the main problems in the country. Deborah’s group had Moldova, which is a country in Europe. They also made a PSA about statistics about Africa, and were shown in an exhibition along with an organization to contact if they wanted to help. Deborah enjoyed doing the project and was aware about how much poverty there is around the world. She would’ve preferred that the project included San Diego’s poverty, because even though people are aware already, they should be encouraged to help up. Deborah has always said, “If we have a house, shoes, clothes, food, why don’t we bless others that don’t.” Sometimes people in America, including Deborah, throw away their leftover of food. While people around the world desire to take a bit of the food we are throwing away. People should think about people that are suffering of hunger and try not to waste food.
A person that will help us get through life without committing suicide is a friend. Deborah has many friends and she is thankful for every single one of them. Even though some of her relationships with close friends change, she still loves them. Deborah tells her younger sister Priscilla, that attitude depends a lot in gaining friendships. Priscilla told Deborah that she is a different person at school than when she is at home. Priscilla said that it was because her friends treated her better than her family. Deborah explains to her that her family is always going to be there for her, and friends are not always secure, and that she shouldn’t be a fake person in both places, because that’s not good. Now it is good to have friends but when people prefer friends over family, then it’s not right. Deborah has learned that friends will sometimes fail. After a discussion her and her sister had, Priscilla understood her sister’s point. There’s an old saying that says, “Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you what kind of person you are.” And that basically explains the fact that if we hang out with bad people, people will think that we are bad as well. There is people that don’t have family so they have friends to share there life with. But Deborah does admit that if it wasn’t for her friends, her heart would’ve popped because of all the pain she used to have. The nice thing about life is when friends and family are always there for you.
San Diego, California, is where Deborah lives and she thanks God for this blessing. She thinks that there is no better place than San Diego. The weather is good and most of her family, mom’s side, lives here. She would like to visit other countries maybe when she becomes an international nurse. Life can be brilliant, if we just have to enjoy it, and not get stuck in problems. Deborah probably has everything in life, thanks to God, but when she gets new clothes she gives her old clothes to people in need of it. She is happy that her parents made it in the United States.
My Surroundings
I see a street called Reo, which means that I’m almost home
I see a light blue house, which is my casa
I see people that smile a lot and laugh, I’m at church
I see people on the streets, looking for money
I see people without a home
Many empty houses why can’t they live there
On the bus everyone is silent; I wonder what’s running through their minds
I wonder if someone sees what I see
Children sad around me, why is that? shouldn’t children be happy?
I see people mad because they eat the same thing in two days
They should see how people suffer from hunger
They should see kids in the dumpster searching for food
I also see people that are alone
I see people that love each other
Others suffering because they are separated from their loved ones
I see people asking for money
Some ask for beer or drugs
But others ask need something to eat
People are not suffering
people are happy
they’re not crying
there is true peace
I see heaven
Living in America is like the weather
Sometimes it’s nice and sometimes it’s horrible
The nice part is that we have education
It’s nice because the government helps us
whenever he wants
but he does it
It’s nice because we have the opportunity to become someone we want
It’s nice with all the international people it has
It’s nice to see how much our country helps other countries
But doesn’t our country need it too
America is beautiful
The horrible part of America is the law
How my family desire to come here
But America doesn’t want them here
How I haven’t seen my grandpa since a long time
Because he can’t come here
Yes, I can go over there
But this country is better for him
Especially because he needs help on his health
How my other grandpa died without me really knowing him
It sucks having family miles and miles away
I really don’t like America because of all this
But if I’m here for a reason
And if the reason is for me to become an international nurse
Then I’ll try my best to make my family and God proud of me
While driving to a place
I can see the pollution on the sky
That makes America horrible
Government keeping information away from the public
We are not there enemies
To keep info away from us
Also makes America horrible
People dying in war
Making families suffer because their loves ones never came back from war
Also makes America horrible
Does war benefit America?
Doesn’t that makes America look bad
Pray for the families of those people who die is all we ca do
Why blame all these in America its
We the people that made America like this
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